Thursday, April 30, 2009

Always Give Thanks & A Recipe

While talking to my sister a couple of weeks ago
on the phone, I asked her to send me a recipe and a
message of hope for a cookbook a friend of mine is
working on called, "Sally's Hope".
This cookbook will be filled with recipes and stories
solely from Cancer Survivors.

I received this from Kathi, my precious sister today
and after typing it for her,
to send in for the cookbook, I felt led to
share 'her' story and a yummy recipe
she is now required to bring to
ALL Church luncheons and dinners!

Grape Salad
For a more beautiful salad use both
red & white seedless grapes.
Wash then pull grapes off of stems.
This salad can be as big or small as needed,
just adjust amounts of ingredients as necessary.

For a large ‘grape salad’:
1 8 ounce cream cheese
1 8 ounce sour cream
Blend with mixer.
Pour over grapes, stir to cover grapes.
Then add the following:
½ to 1 cup brown sugar
1 cup roasted pecan pieces

Always Give Thanks
Several years ago I went through a horrible, sad divorce. For eight years I was alone, but during those eight years, Jesus loved me and drew me closer and closer to Him. I fell head over heels in love with my Jesus and I grew to trust Him with my life, with everything. Then He gave me the most wonderful, precious gift-David, a husband who loves Jesus more than anything and loves me like Jesus loves the Church. After we were married, David noticed a place, a mole on the back of my right shoulder that I had never and would have never noticed. He was concerned and asked me to go to a dermatologist to have it checked. I did. They took it off and sent it to be tested. They were very concerned also saying those dreaded words, “It does not look good.” The next day they called to tell me it was an extremely aggressive melanoma. They scheduled an appointment with a surgeon that day. My husband came to be with me as we met with the surgeon. When the doctor came into the room, my eyes filled with tears and I asked him, “Do you know my Jesus?” He was taken by surprise and sat down close to me, put his hand on my knee and said, “I have never been asked that question, and yes, I know Him.” “I love Him and He is my dearest friend”, he went on to tell me. While we were having our Hallelujah party, I told him I just didn’t want anyone operating on me who didn’t know Jesus. He explained what was going to take place and we prayed together. The surgery was a couple of days later.
When David and I were taken to my room, several men who love us, from our Church, were already there praying. In a little while, they came to get me and took me for the dye test, that dreaded test to check lymph nodes, etc. When they inserted that horrible needle I remember thanking Jesus for all the pain He went through to save us from our sins. Precious people took care of me. They took me back to my room to get me ready for surgery.
The room was full now with precious people praying. Then my doctor came in, took me by the hand and prayed with me and all of us. I was floating in the Holy Spirit. It was beautiful! They took me; no I floated to pre-op.
When I got there, the nurse was getting me ready and these words came out of my mouth, “You nurses must be so blessed to work with doctors who love Jesus.” All of a sudden tears began to stream from her eyes, down her face and onto the bed. She looked deep into my eyes and said, “I haven’t thought about Jesus for years.” She continued to say, “I have a two year old little boy and I have never mentioned Jesus to him. Oh, I am so sorry; my life is fixing to change! Thank you for saying His name.”
I didn’t remember anything after that. My doctor came in after surgery. He said they had gotten all of the cancer and there was no sign of any cancer in the lymph nodes.
When I went to see him the next week, he said I was completely healed and he had never seen anybody heal so quickly.
Do you believe God loves one person so much that He would allow a person to have cancer to mention His name so that one person could hear His name? I do. I believe He loves us so much and pursues us so relentlessly that He’ll do anything to draw us to Him. Every single time I see the cross, I’m reminded of that. His love for us was forever settled there and will never change!
Thank you Jesus!
Say the name, the name of Jesus, the name above all names!
“Rejoice evermore! Pray without ceasing! In everything give thanks for this is the will of God concerning you. Quench not the Spirit!”
1 Thessalonians 5:16-19


Cheryl said...

what a beautiful testimony!!!

His Doorkeeper said...

Yes, i know that is the way He works! That one child may be saved from an eternity without Jesus just because you spoke His name to his mother!! Bless you for speaking His name!

ladybug said...

Thanks for making my day complete. Hope you don't mine me sharing it with others.

ladybug said...

Oh yes...I got the gift for my friend yesterday. It was as beautiful as you described. I know she will love it. Thanks.

Marla Taviano said...

That's beautiful, Kaye! Thank you!

And I got the sweetest note in the mail today. With a bumper sticker and a newspaper article... :)

Omah's Helping Hands said...

KK that is a beautiful testimony!!! Thank you for sharing. And yes, I do believe God would do exactly that. How awesome. Praise God!

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