retail stores for customers to see
the endless possibilities for purchasing
and gift-giving of our personalized engraved
line of products.
As you can read on the bottom of this tile,
"The ONLY limit is your imagination",
which is so very true in what we do!
This only mentions a few occasions..
so I'm asking for your help!
Gabe & I, (yes, mainly Gabe:)
are in the process of rebuilding my website
and I am VERY excited & want to make sure
most all gift giving ideas will be shown on the new site...

the upcoming 4th of July weekend,
and to help celebrate my "pretend" birthday...
Being a middle child & having a December
birthday has affected me that way....:(

or give personalized gifts other than the holidays-occasions
I engraved on the tile for the store.

I haven't heard from some winners mainly
because there was no way for me to contact them.
I'd like for all of the winners to WIN for a change...
so please...please...please type in your email address
with EACH comment-entry....
After visiting the website please come back
and comment each time for your 4 chances to win:
1. Visit the website and come back here to
comment on any suggestions,
on what you'd like to see new, changed and/or
special occasions not listed on the tile at the top of
this post.
2. Twitter or Facebook about the giveaway.
3. Add 'my button' to your blog.
(If you already have 'my button' on your blog
please comment to tell me.)
4. Blog about the giveaway.
1st Prize: Personalized Wood Frame
2nd Prize: 2 each 4" x 4" Personalized Coasters
3rd Prize: 6" x 12" Personalized Tile
4th Prize: 8" x 16" Personalized Tile
Comment away
and thanks so much for taking the time
to stop by...
and thanks in advance for your help in trying
to rebuild a very user friendly website
showing endless possibilities for personal buying
and gift-giving.
Hope you have a wonderfully safe and
Happy 4th of July!
Blessings today and always,
The winners will be announced
Saturday evening
so please check back then to
see if you are A WINNER
of one of the 4 Giveaway Prizes!
On your website, I would like to see categories instead of looking by sizes. Such as:
special b-days (50th, 60th, etc.)
verse related
teacher gifts
baby gifts
team and/or sports related
just because
My e-mail is auntdidi3@hotmail.com.
One unique reason (in my life) to give myself a gift is to celebrate the one year anniversary of TTC...it sounds silly, but whatever brightens someones day:)
I love your products! The only suggestion i can think of is to "declutter" the webpage a little. Maybe someone more creative than I can actually offer advice on how to do that :)
Thanks for the giveaway! Sarah
It looks really busy, and not very uniform. I would do categories as well, and without all the writing in the middle. Good luck!
I think these would be a wonderful gift to give to your Pastor for Pastor's Appreciation Day in October. email osteele77@aol.com
Your work is beautiful, but I, too, would like to see the catergories broken down by specifics...I think much easier to navigate (however, not taking from the products, because they are beautiful)
Diane (jdeb@bresnan.net)
I would like to be able to see the tiles, coasters and plaques organized in categories for each occassion. I like to give myself a gift when I've had a really bad day.
I love your stuff. I wished all of your products were catagorized by a theme and not size.
Love your products. I would love to see a plaque of some sort for "In the Memory Of". Would be a great alternative to sending flowers to the funeral home.
amy white
I first saw you tiles on Brandi Wilson's blog and fell in love with them.
But I have to agree that the website's main page is just very confusing. I would definitely like to see it categorized by type/theme, then size.
I agree with others... space things out more with categories. I am also not a fan of the white on blue background. I think the tiles would look better on a brown/black background.
I would love a tile for the reason that it is my 10th anniversary and we are having our last baby this year. I could have all our names engraved and know that it would always be complete.
I wanted so badly to give a tile to my mother for her retirement that said Carpe Diem because that is my dad's favorite saying and he died 9 years ago. I think retirement would be a perfect reason to give a tile....
My birthday is also in Dec. so I have to do the half birthday thing.I love the website but is is busy. It would be nice to have thing categorized. Will be back to buy something but a free gift would be nice to get things started. Have a GREAT 4TH !!
I love your tiles. I received one from my husband for my birthday. I think the website looks a little busy. I am not sure if this has changed, but the ordering process was confusing. He had to "order" before he put in the names and that scared him. (something like that... he told me after the fact)I think he ended up calling you. It was so worth any trouble, though. Best present!
I agree with so many other comments. I think categories would be a good way to organize the site and make things a little easier to find.
I also love that you seem to be willing to make each tile unique by the request of the buyer. Your work is beautiful and it would be a blessing to own a piece.
I saw your blog from Kelly's Korner...I love your stuff, but I do have to agree with others, the website it a little over whelming...I think simplifying the page will make it more user friendly, and hopefully more money coming your way!
I am very excited to see your new web design, I am sure it will be easier for us to find whatever we are looking for. I LOVE your tiles and my friend whom I gave one to loved it as well. Thanks for the chance to win.
The webpage is really busy.I agree that organizing by occasion would be good vs. size. Also, the pics of the plaques are too small. I can't really read them. I do love the tiles though.
The website is hard to navigate. It could different because I am viewing it in a different browser.
I also like the idea of catagories.. and mayde you could do a subcategory of size.
My e-mail address is ashleyspikes@gmail.com
Hi, I just added your button to my blog.
You could have a section with premade stuff. Like verses that you make often then another section with design your own.
Another occasion is teacher gifts.
Love your work! amandashort@comcast.net
I love your products! As far as your website goes... maybe have better directions on how to find what you are looking for. Categories for what is written as well as sizes.
I tried to leave a comment before and it didn't post so please forgive me if it posts twice.
As far as your website goes... It would making shopping easier if you had it set up as categories instead of sizes.
What a great product!
Love the tiles and the bible verses on each one, I can always find an excuse to buy a gift, even if their is no reason too, I buy some to keep "just in case" and that way I am never unprepared!!
my suggestion for the new website would be more readable (bigger) pictures and a little more organized like possibly into categories or something. I do love your products though! :)
I posted about your giveaway on my Facebook profile! :)
Added your button to my blog, also!
Blogged about your giveaway
Thanks for the chance to win your awesome products!
I would love to have one for Christmas...maybe with a phrase that says Christ is Born...or Wise Men Seek Him...or something like that :)
I LOVE these...waiting to be blessed with a baby first, and then I'll be purchasing one for our family...unless I win one first :)
The only suggestion I have is maybe have an opening page where you click for a category and then have options for the customer to view? Thanks for the giveaway-I've emailed my husband your address for a hint for our anniversary! jrklturner@yahoo.com
I actually went to your site the other day as I was thinking of making a purchase. Because the site is so busy, I became impatient and logged off. The category ideas would help your site to be more aesthetically pleasing.
I just blogged about your giveaway.
...and added your button! :)
pet adoption
in memory of a pet
Love the tiles!!
I agree with some many others - categories or themes would be a great way to search for items. Also, the premade items is a fantastic idea. I am looking forward to ordering for my family members.
You should add First Communion to your list of holidays- my daughter had hers this year and one of these would have been perfect!
HI! Love the product, but the new site is a bit overwhelming. There is SO much great things to look at, its hard to know where to start. I would also suggest making your font a little bigger. I like the suggestion of listing events and/or size/material options on the left side and letting people scroll through the great work by whatever their criteria might be. I like the color and think your on the right track, just a few organization suggestions.
Thanks for the giveaway!
I enjoyed looking at your website! The homepage is busy. I would increase the font on the homepage (the paragraph sections) to make it easier on the eye. Also, I like them being organized by size. Under the size may include sub categories by theme. This would give a better breakdown of what could fit onto each size and would make shopping easier. Does that make sense? Instead of the fonts being a seperate category, I would show font options with each script. (This is assuming that not all fonts can go on all sizes). I may also include a section of pre-made items that could be purchased "as is." I am hoping that was not there and I just missed it:) I hope that helps. I shop a good bit online and these
are things I find to be "handy" when making my purchases!
Email: teacher_jae@hotmail.com
I love the tiles. They are awesome! Am actually thinking about ordering one for my house!
I love the work you do, I have seen it prior to Kelly's Korner blog about it today, the only thing that keeps me from ordering is the amount of confusion on the home page.
There is just a bit too much going on and it get's over whelming. I would suggest the categories and not having the pictures and details on the actual home page... a work flow similar to this...
Home Page (about your company) > Categories > product > product detail and order button.
I would streamline the main page.Maybe do a slide show of your products,to music even,instead of all the linked pictures.Then buttons by category,instead of sizes.In memory plaques with a bible verse or special poem would be great too!Your products are beautiful!
Blogged about your give away,and posted a link!Love your products!
Posted to Facebook!
And added your button to my blog!Can you tell I love your products!Blessings to you!
I love your products. They are so beautiful. As far as new site ideas, I would love to see a little more organization of your products and I would like to know what I could quickly order for every occasion. I hope that helps. Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your fabulous products.
Email address: mommy02three@gmail.com
Perhaps you could make the pictures a unified size/shape in order to streamline the layout. It's kind of busy looking right now. But, I still LOVE all of your designs!!
I'm going to get one when our family is complete with everyone's names on it.
I think the website would be more attractive if it were simpler, less cluttered. Perhaps highlight a few products in close-up and then just have a simple sidebar of the categories to click on and bring up each collection.
Your tiles are gorgeous!
Yikes, I forgot to leave my email, sorry to leave a second post... bruceandmarsel @ windstream *dot* net .
Perfect gift for a housewarming party, graduation gift (seems that I've had to buy quite a few lately and I wish I knew about this); commemorate special events in your life - baptism, first homerun; creative idea - for ball teams to use instead of trophies (I'm always looking for different ideas - we have too many trophies that all look alike.).
Stacy Pickell
Boss's day is a good one to get a tile for.....I am always looking for something to get and it typically ends up being something for my boss' home! I LOVE these tiles! MY email is jlc333@msstate.edu
I would love to see you add Teacher Gifts and special anniversaries (25th, 50th). I love all your products!
My email is twoteachers247@yahoo.com
Hi Kaye,
I have ordered from you and the family we ordered for said the gift was "perfect". It was an "In Memory Of" like someone had suggested. I think it would be a little easier to give the tile color choices too. I know we requested a brown. You also went above and beyond in hammering out the details with me, so thank you for that!
Love your work! The site is a little busy to look at....maybe something a little more organized with gift giving categories instead of sizes.
I love your products! I love the 4th because it is my husbands B-day -he is a couple months Cancer free of stage 4 lymphoma..! So I don't buy him a gift- I pray to God and thank him for keeping him with us! I would donate a piece if I won! My husband is my hero! Thanks for the chance to win!
The website is very cluttered--immediately overwhelmed me when I brought it up. If there was a nice header and some good side links where all the products were displayed it would look much neater and more user friendly.
Hi! I think the tiles are awesome. I would like to see some ways they could be displayed in homes. I have no skills in decorating but I can follow directions. So if someone shows me where to put it, that I can do! Thanks!
On the website, I think a bigger font and maybe a shorter description so it's more easily read. Love the site though!
I twittered and facebooked!
I added the button!
I blogged about the giveaway!
I would like to see categories added to your website, it would make it less confusing.
I think graduation and retirement are great gift giving opportunities, as well as baptism.
Personally, I love having a fmaiyl verse or theme in our home.
I would love to see things organized by theme and maybe some more options with the last name or initial (for family verses) Maybe something with last name and all the members first names?
e-mail is in my profile
Your products are fantastic.
My suggestion for your website would be to streamline the main page. I really like what you say in your writing, but it is a lot to look at. I would consider placing that information under its own button.
Alternatively, perhaps you divide your page horizontally...place all your buttons on the top instead of down the left, then place your photos in the middle section, and put your writing on the bottom...maybe even in a different font or italics to help it stand out a bit.
I hope that is constructive. Your tiles are amazing and I'd love to see you sell a ton of them! :)
I think that you need to space things out. It was kinda hard to read and figure things out. Also bigger pictures.
I love the family engraved tile.
Email: tilliestales2008@gmail.com
Just added your button to my blog.
Just blogged about your giveaway.
Hi. I came to your site from Kelly's Korner. I love your designs. A celebration we have every year is "Forever Family Day" with our three daughters who are all adopted. Another category that I like, that someone else mentioned, was an "Idea" section where maybe you put pictures of previous things made...I like to "copy" others' ideas!! ;)
I'm too tired to do all that postin :)..I do have your button on my blog though :). Just postin to say I miss talking with you!!
hi, i absolutely love the messages you have on the stones! with that said, i think the main page on the website is kind of cluttered. i think you should take all of that out and categorize each by occasion, gifts, sizes etc..with the extra space you could enlarge your message regarding your tiles, make more comments about how to order, what's new etc... thanks so much for the giveaway!!
my email is shelbyworms@hotmail.com
i blogged about your giveaway!
Of course, we love all of your work! Only a little over a week before we trek down to the Hope Clinic to see the tile you did with our special saying and our special little feet :)
How about adding an "Ideas & Inspiration" category that would list frequently used Bible verses/references and/or popular quotes and sayings to give ideas and inspiration to customers? Many times,I am so overwhelmed and inept at coming up with something creative on my own, but if I can see what others have done/used and how it has been applied,it can get my mind in gear!
I love your products and am glad you are making the website more user-friendly! Thanks for including us in the process!
I also think it would be helpful for the tiles to be organized by category. I love the grandparent tiles and would love to see more. I'm always looking for gifts for the grandparents!
Kelli - kbjernigan@yahoo.com
I put a link on Facebook Emily Pipes McKay
Just added your link to my facebook!
Kelli - kbjernigan@yahoo.com
I love your tiles, but do think having them in categories. I would love to see a teacher gift or in memory of.
Wow, Miss Kaye! These comments are SO helpful!
I am happy to report that Mr. Gabe just happens to be busily working on your site just eight feet away from me as I type. :)
I'm seeing some beautiful, crisp, clear, organized, uncluttered design.
I love your ideas..I would "declutter" the home page...There is SO MUCH there, it's hard to read thru it all.. but when I looked around... I loved it all!! I found you thru Kelly's Korner...
I am twittering about this give away... aggiesheri on Twitter
I would love to see divided sections on the site...baby,baptizm,little girl/boy...maybe some devoted to special needs...etc...
I added your button to my side bar...
Your current page is blah, but busy! There is so much information on the first page that I find it a little difficult to look through! I think a bit of artistic flair should be incorporated, also! Just my .2!
I love your "products"...just am a little overwhelmed on the website. I think if it were a little less cluttered/a little more "organized" looking, you may draw more people in. More simple and user friendly. :) I LOVE your products again, and I hope I win! :)
Hello, I am not a blogger but my daughter has a blog and was reading hers along with a friends and stumbled across your blog and tiles. What beautiful work. You are an inspiration just by your scriptures in your writings. I have not seen such inspirational work or should I say work that truly moved my soul
Anyway, I have yet to figure out how to comment on the blogs and don't even know if this will suffice to enter the contest but I thought I would give it a try. Even if I have to admit my technology abilities stink.
Have a blessed day and know that today......you touched someone.
Lisa in Missouri
Bill & Lisa Curtis [bclc@bigrivertel.net]
I facebooked about your giveaway. :)
Added your button to my blog. :)
Posted a blog entry about your giveaway on my blog. :)
I think a baby dedication one would be great, and maybe a category for heroes - armed services, police, firefighters, etc. Really nice tiles!
I think website would be easier to navigate if the things were listed under different categories rather than size. I first saw your tiles on Kelly's Korner and have been thinking of ordering one!
I would add a category: ordination (it is hard to know what to get someone and a tile would be great!)
I have facebooked about it. :)
laceybranum (at) gmail.com
I have added the button :)
laceybranum (at) gmail.com
I love your work and the new website is a wonderful idea! I'm not very creative or greatly organized myself but the front page could be decluttered by taking so many of the small pictures off and just placing them into their sections. More fronts and color would be terrific! Put the information about ordering into it's own section also because I almost didn't even see that! Your work is so fabulous and I'm already catching myself sitting here looking for something to order in the future!
I would love for the page to be broken down by categories. Also, I loved the comment about Heroes of our country. Not only those who have died for our country, but also for those who continue to serve. Thanks!
What a wonderful site! I'm looking to give one of these to my best friend as a housewarming gift. So glad that Kelly recommended your site! :)
For me, the typeset is a little small and where the samples are is a bit jumbled only on the main page. (I don't know if it's like that for everyone or if it's just be the way my browser is configured).
I would love to see catagories listed instead of sizes of tiles, etc. If I could click on ideas for a category and then have all the options for that particular category (ie: frames, tile coasters, tiles, etc.) I wouldn't have to search each section to find a particular "holiday" I was looking for.
All your work is fantastic though so looking through each one isn't such a bad thing ;) Just thinking about user friendliness.
I don't think you need "order here" buttons next to each category. And I didn't look too much (my internet is slow) but do you have a place that talks about shipping or is it included in the price?
~Allison (ajrigueiro@yahoo.com)
I absolutely love your designs and think that they are the perfect gift for any occasion which makes me think of christmas. Christmas is the perfect holiday for gift giving (especially one that has alot of thought put into it and has a very giving meaning behind it) which is exactly what these tile's are, and I know with my family being so close and loving they would absolutely love to recieve a gift like this for Christmas and I think families all over the world would love to recieve one as a gift for christmas as well.
my email address is samanthakg616@hotmail.com
I think someone mentioned that a In Memory plaque would be wonderful for a funeral home instead of flowers. Also, the categories are a great idea. I love these!!! They are beautiful!
I think when I clicked on the site it is just too busy on the home page & immediately discourages me from shopping there. One thing I like to give for is hostess gifts
sorry, my email is creacys@vankampen.com
First of all I love your products! My suggestion for the site would be to keep the left side the same, your paragraph/writing in the middle and organize the thumbnail pics in 2-3 columns on the left. It's kinda disorganized right now with pictures all over.
Best of luck!!
Amy at sav98@comporium.net
Hi - love the tiles! They are beautiful. My suggestion would be to have larger photos of the tiles to really show them off.
Jowanna southernbreeze313 AT gmail.com
Love the tiles. Your web page is good, Love the pics. There is alot to pick from!!!
Love your work~
Love the website, I would love to see one about daughters... or families or tiles as a Thank you for a deed or service.
My email is narrell4201@charter.net
I would love to see some tiles about daughters/families or Thank you tiles for Sunday school teachers etc... Love the site
My email is
Organization, the tiles are kind of all scattered. I would bring your tabs to the top and then put all the pictures of the tiles that you have below them, maybe about 3-4 per line, that way I think you could actually display the picture tiles a little larger. Thanks,
M. Craig
I posted your button on my blog!
email narrell4201@charter.net
I would give one for encouragement!
What would be better than to be struggling with something & then receive such a great gift! Not only would it lift you up then, but in the times to come you can reflect back on the gift & smile.
First of all I'd like to say that I love ALL of your "Kreations".
The only suggestion I'd like to give is in regards to the fonts page. It could just be my computer, but when I click on this page its really hard for me to see the fonts and their names.
Everything else looks good.
Hope you have a great 4th of July!
Love the tiles -- so unique. You have a beautiful product. Can you offer more colors?
Well, I ordered one of your tiles as a wedding gift to my coworker and friend. LOVED it! I will be ordering one for my house once we are finished building! As far as your website, I would change the background color to maybe brown, tan or black, categorize by occasion and make the font larger.
Suggestions for other reason to purchase: retirement, finishing treatment such as chemo, etc.
I love your beautiful tiles!! The web page does need to be better organized. It might be easier if customers could choose a category, and then select their size from within the category. I think it would be nice to give one of these tiles in memory of a special pet. Thanks!!
I love your product. I think that if you added heading to product links that would be helpful. Like birthdays, family, religious, gifts...ect instead of by size. It is a little confusing. Also maybe a more colorful background for the site.
Good luck!
I agree with lots of the comments other's made. I would make categories you could click like birthdays, weddings, anniversaries, in memory of, baby, etc. You do such beautiful work! I'm hoping to order some in the near future for wedding gifts.
I really love the products but to me the site is so busy and hard to order from. I would love to see catagories by theme not size.
spacing everything out would be my only reccommendation...everything is precious though! and so unique!
Well i do like the website but its very cluttered maybe have the buttons on the top so i can see them quickly. Its not bad but just a little less going on would be great =)
I just had a baby after many years of infertility and 2 miscarriages. I would love to give one to my wonderful doctor. I figured it would be something to give someone who has EVERYTHING!
Amy K
Ooo! I LOVE THESE!!! So after looking over your site I have a few suggestions. The first being that the homepage is a lot to take in. There is a lot going on and it might be easier to find what you're looking for with less searching around if it was cleaned up a bit, but it is nice to see examples right on the home page. Second, the "new" easels don't state what size they are best for. I was a little confused trying to decide which one would go best with which tile. I hope you welcome the criticism as I don't mean to be blunt! I love your work and will most definitely be ordering from you soon! What a great wedding gift idea. =)
Oooo! I LOVE THESE! After looking at your site I have a few suggestions. First, the home page is a bit much to take in at first. It would be easier to find things if it had a little less going on, but I do like that you have samples of your work shown right on the home page. Second, not all the easel let you know which tile would go best with them This would be good to know. I hope you welcome criticism as I don't mean to be too blunt. I love your work and will be purchasing some very soon! Thank you!
I also just tweeted about your giveaway! I hope this doesn't decrease my chances to win... ;)
And your button has been added to my blog. Thanks for this great giveaway! tatumweed@hotmail.com
I checked out the website and my suggestions would be to put all the text one side and pictures on the other. I would streamline the pictures into a columns and maybe show less pictures altogether.
My suggestions for other categories would be:
New Jobs
Baby Dedication
Secretary's Day
Thank You/Appreciation
Get Well Soon
Job Promotion
Best Friends
Inspirational Quotes
Song Lyrics
Valentine's Day
Grandparent's Day
Starting School
My email address is miss.calcul8@gmail.com
And I just twittered about the giveaway.
Hey - I think the home page is a bit full, lot of things to take in on the first glance at your site. I absolutely love your tiles, though and find that any day of the week that ends in 'y' is a good excuse to buy something for myself =)
must agree with some of the others...the webpage is very cluttered and is very hard to "see" what you have to purchase. Someone who doesn't want to muddle through it will go to another website. Also, your 'order now' button needs to be bigger and more easily visible. Maybe go to some other websites and see how they design their layouts. Also, I've read studies that show the top left corner is where the eye goes first. So, put your most important information there.
Good luck,
Samantha Wright
And...now I put your button on my blog.
Love the products but I have to agree with the others... categories would be nice with less clutter.
Email: E1ije[at]aol[dot]com.
I love your products. The tiles are so unique and inspiring. I think the home page of your website is just a little busy. The print is so small. Maybe if you made more links and kept the home page simpler it wouldn't feel so overwhelming.
Thanks for a chance to win!
I feel like the front page needs to be a little more visually appealing - it's very cluttered when you first click in and it's hard to know where to look first. Maybe a slideshow of products on the main page, with categories down the top or bottom!
Email: coachkortney @ gmail . com
Now I've twittered about your give away!! (@coachkortney)
Email: coachkortney @ gmail . com
I blogged about the giveaway.
coachkortney @ gmail . com
And I added the button too :)
coachkortney @ gmail . com
This is a wonderful idea. I am always looking for little house decorations for gifts!
My suggestion would be to create buttons that would navigate viewers to specific places on your website. It would declutter the front page and help viewers go specifically where they want to go. Also I would love to see some more color!
Have a wonderful and safe 4th of July!
I came across your blog on Kelly's Corner and I am from Mt.Pleasant also! I love your personlized plaques! They are beautiful! My son got a personlized bat from D-Bat for his 1st birthday and it is handing in his room! You should have some of those listed on your website, I bet people will love those for their little boys!I know we loved ours!
I added your button to my page. I showed my grandma some of your work and she was wondering if you made plaques that you could put her address on and she could screw onto her brick mailbox?
I do not have facebook or twitter, but I will be commenting again when I put it on my blog about your giveaway!
My email is brittani_04@yahoo.com
Here is my last comment! I just put the giveaway up on my blog! Hope that I win! Have a great 4th!!and a Happy "pretend" Birthday!
I love your stuff but the website is a bit cluttered and hard to manouver.
How about stuff for pets and just because....we do not all have children
Just tweaking the first page a little would make it look clear so that everyone can see your beautiful engraved signs.
Maybe try a white background with a main product and then catagoris either on the side or up the top for easier navigation
great product!
I blogged about it on my blog
I love the Married with Children Tile- I will have to add to my Christmas wish list!!! I think the site is user friendly- could be more "flashy" in a Godly way- i think the site may match your personality??- God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble James 4:6
i think you are heavenly gifted to glorify the Lord and not yourself which makes the site perfect.
Keep working for HIM and HE will pour His grace unto you.
Love the "married w/ children"...the website is a little overwhelming at first, so maybe a new layout? i love it to pieces, tho...your work is a gift!
I agree with having different categories and then be able to pick the size you want.
I also just posted on my Facebook page.
I have bought 3 of your tiles in the past...one for myself and 2 for friends. I love them and so do my friends. We all have gotten many compliments on each of them. I have one other friend I want to buy one for so badly but am having to save my money. But I also could just keep giving them away as gifts. LOVE THEM!
I just posted on my twitter page!
Love the tiles!
iseekbeach @ yahoo dot com
I love everything on your site though it seems verycluttered since there is so much to look at on each page. If there was more categories or a separation of page for each category that would make it easier to look at.
I think the tiles are very creative and keep coming back to check them out!
iseekbeach @ yahoo dot com
As a home page, it is very busy. If I didn't already know what you were about, I might have left very quickly. I think if you had a large picture on the home page with a sample of your work so that people could see it in detail that would be much better.
I feel ya on the December birthday! Although I love being born on Christmas day, it was quite hard growing up.
I've bought from you before, for my Secret Prayer Pal at work, and ALL the girls at my job went gaga over the tile! They're great! I've gotta get one for myself!
If anyone has ordered from you before, then they know just how sweet you are and how helpful,efficient you are!
Great feedback from the others so far! I agree with almost all of it! I'm all about an easy to shop website!
What about church teacher/leader gifts? Often we have to buy things like that in multiples and something like the smaller tiles or the leather bookmarks would make great gifts!
Ordered a tile for someone that lost a loved one and it was PERFECT! Loved it!
Jenifer Parris
Twittered about your giveaway!
Added your button to my blog at www.jmparris.blogspot.com !
Thanks for the giveaway!
I love the website, the only things I would change is, I wouldn't make it where you have to scroll to the right, just up and down.
Face book post:
I added you button as well:
I blogged as well:
Love the website and the idea of the tiles. They are great gifts...my suggestion would be to separate the page a little more...by categories.
I love the tiles and think they are beautiful. I was overwhelmed by the site and all there was to see. I agree with some other comments taht categories would be easier to navigate.
The engraved tiles are simply beautiful! I've bookmarkes and will be back! jlki@aol.com
I forgot to leave my email, so it is cmlewallen@gmail.com
I have been eyeing your gorgeous items since I saw it on Angies blog a while back.
I think the only thing I would change is maybe have less photos on the front (the less is more theory)
Maybe pick your fave and have it enlarged as your header and then have categories listed on the side bar to link to separate pages with the individual tiles displayed. You could make really nice "buttons" for navigating that are tiles themselves.
regardless.....I just love love love all your creations. :)
Your work is beautiful. I think the website would be easier to navigate if the main page had less information. If it had one larger picture of one of your favorite pieces, a brief paragraph about what you do and a navigation bar that would include broader topics 'shop by occation', 'shop by type, ie wall plaques, coasters, etc', 'contact us' and 'gallery of photos of past custom orders'
Then each navigation button would lead to another page that had more info, the same naviagtion bar, etc.
We have been serving overseas for 2 year and have found one of the greatests gifts visitors have brought us is scripture to hang on our walls. Our daughter has also been battling a brain tumor and I know a gift like yours when we were in the hospital would have meant a lot. Perhaps those are a couple of other ideas.
I must tell you that I adore the plaque you made for Marla and Gabe. I nearly drool over it each time I walk into their home. But more than that.....I love watching Marla's face light up as she shares about staying at your home. You have become a special friend to their family! Thank you for helping their zoo dream become a zoo reality.
I also would love to see a "in memory" type of plaque. The teacher idea was awesome, also!
What a generous giveaway! (I'm from Canada so if we can't participate in the draw, please exclude this one. Thanks!)
Suggestions are hard to make. Your products are beautiful. If choosing one, I think I'd go with the family name frame, or with the 'Emily's Kitchen' idea.
Just love it all.
Thanks again!
Not sure if you contest is over...but love all your stuff. Maybe being able to search by size and also by theme would help.
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