Monday, February 16, 2009

Answered Prayers & A Give-A-Way!

After Baby Harper was born,
I shipped the tile photographed above,
which is an 8" x 8" Porcelain
to Kelly and her precious family
as we all prayed for Baby Harper to be healed.
We are so very thankful for
so many answered prayers and
all HE has done
for the Stamps Family and
for so many others during Harper's illness.
Matthew 21:22

Earlier today sweet Kelly graciously gave me permission to show
Harper's tile and I wanted to offer a Give-A-Way
for a tile like hers to anyone who'd be interested in having
one of these engraved for a child.

Please enter by posting a comment (on my blog)
of your favorite item from my website,
and the winner will be announced
on Friday, February 20th; Harper's 5 Week Birthday!!!

Thanks in advance for entering and good luck!
Blessings always,

P. S. You never I was a winner earlier today on
BooMama's Blog, my first bloggy give-a-way win EVER:)

P. S. S. I have dealt with computer 'issues' all weekend
but will add this particular tile to my website as soon as I can.
Thanks for your patience and understanding.


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Missy said...

i love this tile: Family Engraved Tile!

Sandy Morgan said...

Your items are beautiful! I especially love the family engraved tile!

Elizabeth said...

What an awesome God we serve that hears us when we call him and answers! I love the Family Tile. Thanks for the chance to win.

Becky said...

I'm not sure that I can choose a favorite item from your website b/c there are so many great things! I really like the 6x12 tiles with the family names.

Shawn and Kimberly AKA Daddy and Mommy said...

I love the family engraved tile. Thanks for the chance to win an awesome prize!!!

Anonymous said...

I truly love Harper's plaque! Its great! I would love to be entered to win this giveaway! My bestie just had a little girl on Friday and they have been trying really hard to have a baby, that plaque is perfect for her and Baby Aubree!!!
Have a great evening!

William, Megan and Avery said...

I love the "personalized home tile" with the verse out of Joshua on it! As someone with a plan to grow our family in the future, I probably wouldn't want something with our daughter's name on it... yet! :)

I also really like the "Jesus Loves Me" tile... It would be really cute in Avery's nursery... :)


Rach@In His Hands said...

Love Harper's plaque - gorgeous!

My favorite is the 12x12 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart..." That verse was my confirmation passage.


Christian Carroll Stewart said...

I love the laser engraved tile "Be Still and Know That I Am". That would be wonderful to have in your home. :0)

Kristy said...

Oooh! I love them ALL, but my favorite is the one that says 'The Smith Family' with the names and verse underneath.

619 Barnett Blvd. said...

i think my favorite is the tile you made for angie, and harpers is pretty cute too!!!!

This Little Hen said...

I adore Kelly's Tile. You are so talented!

Anonymous said...

I love everything on your site ... however the "family engraved tile" really stuck out ... Jeremiah 29:11 is my life verse. Beautiful work!!

LovesPINKandPEARLS said...

i would love a family name plaque with a proverb! these are so pretty!

619 Barnett Blvd. said...

i think my favorites are the one you made for angie smith and harpers is pretty cute too!!!!

brandi said...

oh wow I love everything! But my favorite is the stellan tile! A fellow blogger just lost her son at 38 weeks and this would just be a perfect gift for her to remember her son by. Thanks for doing this give-a-way!

Corby and Lauren said...

There are several tiles that I like... but I especially love the one you did for Harper- that's probably because my husband and I are expecting our baby Harper here in 3 weeks! I also like the 8x8 with Isaiah 41:10 on it... that is one of my favorite chapters in the Bible.

Jen said...

I love the 6 x 12 "Be Still and Know" tile! That is my favorite bible verse and it's the way I believe that God gets my attention when I am not focused on Him! Your work is just beautiful!

Angie said...

Enter Me! YA! I hope I win one! I love the one you made for Harper! I also love the personalized one where you can put your own favorite verse. They are beautiful!

Megan said...

I adore the Family Engraved stone! I've been contemplating purchasing it since I saw it a couple months ago via Kelly's Blog. Being a Newlywed (10/11/08), I adore anything I can plaster my new family name on. God Bless

Carrie said...

I love your married with children tile. Very nice! Harper's tile is beautiful too- good job! I'd love to win something like that for my new baby!

Abby said...

I like the married with children, but since I am not done having children I would love a plaque for my son.
Thanks for the giveaway!

Hillary said...

Oh, I have to say I just adore baby Harper's tile and it speaks so much to my husband and I. After losing our first sweet baby a year ago, we left our future entirely in God's hands, praying he would bless us with another sweet little one. We certainly have our little angel here on earth now, and we couldn't be happier. Your work is beautiful!

mom of 2 boys said...

Love your engravings, they are so amazing!! It is hard for me to pick a favorite BUT....the family one is great!! I would be very blessed to win! Have a great day.

Alison said...

BEAUTIFUL work Kaye! I really like the family tile (like the one you did for the Smith's) but we're not finished with our family, so that one will have to wait. Of course I love the baby announcement tile (like sweet Harper's). We welcomed our son Brody in May and I would love to have the same keepsake. Also, my 27th birthday is on the February 20th (Harper's 5 week) so that would make winning that much sweeter! :)

Love your website!!

Anonymous said...

I love, love, love the Baby Tiles like the one you made for Baby Harper! When a close friend or family member has a baby, I love to send a gift with all the pertinent info about the birth (date, time, etc.) and am always looking for new ideas. This is perfect! I also love the fact that you are a "KK." That is what my mom is to my daughter, and you're the only other person I've ever heard called that!

Rose said...

Ooh, beautiful work! My favorite is the plaque that you made for Harper, I looked at them all and love them all, but as the mommy to one miracle baby, that tile is so very special. good luck with your business, and happy birthday Harper!

Grammy X6 said...

I love your tiles and would love to have one for my grandson, so I hope I win. God has given you a wonderful talent....blessings grammy

Jen said...

Oh what an awesome talent! I've never seen anything like these tiles! I am pregnant with my first baby, and would love a tile just like the one for sweet Harper! Even if I don't win...I just might have to order one!

michele said...

Sweet little Harper's site has brought me across so many other wonderful websites, and your site is another! I love your creations. I had a hard time picking a favorite to enter into the drawing, but if I must pick just one, I choose the Family Engraved Tile. I also love the Jesus Loves Me tile and the one you made for Harper (which I couldn't find on your site). You have beautiful pieces. I love a contest - even if I never win.


Unknown said...

I like ALL the family ones with the last names-Married with Children and the kitchen one. GIRL...your stuff is TOO NEAT! LOVE IT ALL!

bp said...

You have so many lovely items. I found several I liked. One I really liked was the Song of Solomon tile.

Anonymous said...

I love all of the tiles! I would love one like the one you made for Harper. I just had my first baby in December. He is such a blessing!

Frugal Jen said...

They are all beautiful! My favorite is the wedding initial and verse with "Love is patient.."

Denise said...

I absolutely love the family engraved tiles...I first saw them on Angie's blog! I just had my 3rd child and our family is now complete..a family engraved tile would be a nice touch to our mantle! Your work is beautiful!

Ali said...

I would love to have a chance at one of your great designs. I am a newlywed and have nothing yet that has our name on it and would love to have something so unique and beatiful from your collections. I really love all your wedding textiles.

The Cochran Fam said...

I love them all, but my favorite is the Married With Children tile. I recognized the names of families of blogs that I read on your tiles!

The Fabulous Ms. Beth said...

I love Harpers tile. :) It's gorgeous!

B said...

All of your work is beautiful but I especially love the family engraved tile! Beautiful!!!

vaneblu said...

I love the one for the Baptism!!

Anonymous said...

I love all your tiles - I ordered two for Christmas presents this year, and will eventually order one for my home. I love the tile that says: As for me and my house we will serve the Lord with all the family's names on the bottom. These are what a I ordered for Christmas. I too follow Kelly's blog and love the plaque you made for sweet miracle Harper. Thanks for the chance to win!

B said...

All of your work is beautiful but I especially love the family engraved tile...beautiful!!!

Lisa said...

I love them all but think the family tiles are so special! What an awesome talent!!

Anonymous said...

All of your work is beautiful but I especially love the family engraved tile...beautiful!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm partial to the tile you did for Harper, as this was the verse I clung to during the 2 years it took me and my husband to get pregnant. That verse is actually on my little ones wall in her nursery now.

Heather said...

This is such a wonderful giveaway! Thank you! I love almost everything....but my favorites are the Phil 1 tile and the Prov. 3:5-6 one, too. I also like the "Angie tile" with the names of all the Smith family. May God bless you for how you bless so many!

Unknown said...

I would love to have a tile just like Harper's . After trying for 8 years the Lord answered our prayers with our beautiful daughter. What a great way to celebrate His gift.

amy said...

Your tiles are so fantabulous! I heart your family engraved tile! :)

Denise said...

I love the family engraved tiles...your work is absolutely beautiful. I just had my 3rd child and our family is now complete...a family engraved tile would add a nice touch to our home!


Amy said...

The Family Engraved Tile is my favorite. I would be able to include my husband and my little boy, Luke! This verse is also one of my faves! :)

Melissa said...

I love your creativity. I had a really hard time choosing my favorite. I think I would have to go with the same one you did for Harper or "Kelly's Tile". Thanks for the chance to win!

Anonymous said...

I love the Song of Solomon tile! Beautiful!!

Holly said...

I love love love the family engraved tile! I saw it on Angie Smith's blog and fell in love with it there. You are so gifted!!
Southside, AL

leiGh said...

OH! I love the Jesus Loves Me tile, my daughter sings this song all the time. She's 2!

I would love to win this :D

Jess said...

I love the Family Engraved tile with Josh 24:15, but they're all beautiful!!!

Jessica and Ryan said...

Your work is beautiful! I love the Jesus Loves Me tile.. I sing this song to my son everyday.

Anne said...

All of your items are absolutely beautiful! I bookmarked your site for future purchasing! :)

One of my favorites is the Why I Shouldn't Worry plaque. It really touches my heart.

Anonymous said...

I love the tile that is the memorial for the baby - my sweet Avery Grace was born at 21 weeks and went to be with Jesus within 24 hours. I do however have her foot and hand prints what an awesome way to show tribute to my angel in heaven! Thanks so much for sharing your work and the chance to win!!

AKat said...

I am pregnant and prayed for this child, so I really love the one you made for Harper!!!

Kelly said...

I found the one my heart loves! That is so special. I also Love Harper's tile.

Crystal said...

That's a hard choice! Love all you engraved tiles. I really like the Faith, Hope, and Love tile.

Crystal & Baby Bentley

Melissa said...

I love Harper's plaque, after losing a baby and then being blessed last July with the birth of our daughter, Abigail, this would be a great addition to her nursery!

Anonymous said...

OOOO this sign is gorgeous, I'd love to win one like it....
Carey (Alberta)

Lauren said...

I love Harper's tile! My husband and I are expecting our first baby due early September. We are praying daily for the health and happiness of our little one!

The O'Brien's said...

All of the tiles are beautiful but the family tile is the one that stands out the most. I love the unity of a family! :) Beautiful work!

Jen said...

I really like the "From here to eternity" tile.

chrisannan said...

I love the family engraved tile! And of course I love Harper's tile!!!

Jess said...

I love so many of your tiles!! I think the married with children tile so precious!

chrisannan said...

I love the family engraved tile! And of course I love Harper's tile!!!!!!!

Tara said...

Your work is beautiful! I LOVE Harper's tile!

Katie Stacey said...

I really love the wood baby announcement frame.

Beth Roberts said...

I like too many!! One of my favorites is the wedding gift with initials and scripture!!

tbmroberts at yahoo dot com

Lindsey said...

What a great giveaway! My favorite is the Home Tile with Joshua 24:15.

Anne Marie said...

I love the tile made for Harper! The verse couldn't be more perfect! Hope to win.

Anonymous said...

I really love the Family Engraved Tile - and also the family you made it for! Thank you for this give-a-way...I would love one of these for my own family.

Jennifer Bennett

Mollie said...

You are so talented & creative! I like the family engraved tile with the established date on it.

Laura Marchant said...

So cute. I love the faith, hope, love tile and the family names. Very nice.

Erin McGraw said...

I love the family engraved tiles, something about having my family's name on the same tile as God's spoken word seems awful powerful.

Kim said...

I love the "family engraved tile", but since our family is not quite complete yet I would probably go with "Jesus Loves Me". Thanks for the give away!

Jennifer said...

This is my favorite tile! It is so beautiful!

Kyndal said...

My favorite is the family engraved tile. I also love the "Jesus Loves Me" tile. Would love to win a special tile for my new baby boy!

Jill said...

I love the From Here To Eternity Tile! What a perfect way to celebrate your marriage!!!

Anonymous said...

i love ALL of your tiles!

if i had to pick, my favorites would be the family tiles, also.

so beautiful!


Graves said...

Beautiful work! My favorite is the Smith Family with sweet baby audrey! Of course Harpers scripture is my favorite and i feel like its just right for my family also

Anonymous said...

I like them all, but I really like the family engraved tile! You do beautiful work! Thanks for the giveaway and many blessings!

The Segrest Family said...

i love love love your work!!!! i love the baby tile that you made for harper and the famil tile!!!!

Emery Wilkerson said...

Wow!! I LOVE all of your engravings!! Definitely bookmarking your site! :-) Although I am crazy about all of the tiles, the one that jumped out to me is the "Baptized in Christ" tile! How special to document such a wonderful day!

Bethany said...

Beautiful tiles! I really like everything on your site, but the 6x6 "For I know the plans..." tile caught my eye since that was our wedding verse 9 years ago! Beautiful, beautiful stuff!

Anonymous said...

The plaque you made for Harper is absolutely gorgeous! What a wonderful gift- a true reminder of the power of prayer. My husband and I tried for years to conceive and were blessed with a perfect baby girl through adoption- and truly believe our deepest desire to parent and our strongest prayers were answered in her. I especially love the plaque with the verse from Matthew reminding us God will bless us when we pray with belief in Him!

Jennifer said...

These tiles are beautiful! I have to agree about the family tile! Wow!!

Kristine said...

I love the Married with Children tile. Beautiful work!! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous said...

I love the family engraved tile!

tara said...

hello! this is such a special thing you are doing. i just want to personal tell how beautiful the titles are. my husband and i are almost 17 weeks pregnant. from the moment we found out, i knew i would be back to order the family engraved title. this friday we are having a sonogram to hopefully determine the gender. if we do, i'll be returning to order that special title! -tara

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the chance at the give a way. I love all your tiles. Especially the family engraved tile. We're expecting our 4th child and as soon as he or she is born (we don't find out) I would love to order one for my family. Beautiful!

Jennifer said...

As a mommy who has lost two babies, I especially love the Baby Memorial Tile. I really love it all, though! I probably would not purchase a family tile as of yet, because I truly hope there will be more names later!! You are very talented!!! Thanks for the chance to win one! Love, Jen

Jennifer said...

I love them all, but I especially love the Family Engraved Tiles!

Lindsey said...

The Family Engraved Tile is my absolute favorite!
All your things are gorgeous!

P.S. I found you through Kelly's blog. :D

Karie said...

I just love the married with Children tile. It is perfect. Thanks for the chance to win your beautiful work!!!! Karie

The Williams said...

I love the family tile with the verse from Joshua. All of your tiles are beautiful!

Abby said...

I can't choose just one item! They are all amazing and would LOVE to have EVERYTHING! I just had a baby boy 3 weeks ago and would DIE to have one of the tiles you made for Harper! SO FUN and what an amazing addition to the baby nursery!

Taren said...

I came upon the Family engraved tile and I love it!!

Anonymous said...

Definitely the "Married With Children". At first when I saw the title I thought of the T.V. show and wasn't too interested. But once I looked at it, I really liked it. I think as a mom, I tend to forget the I was first a wife, then a mom. Now to five blessings. But I'm not sure if you could fit five names on there!!

The Williams said...

I love the family tile with the verse from Joshua. All of your tiles are was hard to pick one!

Lindsay said...

I love love love the family one you have on the right hand side of your blog! BEAUTIFUL!

Mark and Mandi said...

My favorite is the one that says "I found the one my heart loves" with Song of Solomon 3:4 on it. I love the cross on it as well! You are so very talented and I'm honored to have the chance to win.

Deborah Anne Whitfield said...

Well I have 2 favs "I have no greater joy than this to hear of my children walking in the truth" is my first favorite. I am a new mom to a 6mth old little girl and this is what I pray over her every night. I also love Harpers tile. I have a friend you delivered a still born in September (39weeks) and she is pregnant again..Praise the Lord..she would love a tile with baby Tuckers name on it...he/she will be a true miracle.

jess said...

You do awesome work!! My favorite is the McKinions family tile with their name and Joshua scripture at the bottom! I love it!

Whitney said...

I love the family tile!

Austin and Ashley Evans said...

I love the tile like Harpers. We lost a baby two years ago and are expecting a little girl any day! The verse on her tile is our favorite verse and on our blog. We would love to add it to our nursery!

Laura Rucker said...

I love the married with children tile and the birth ones!


Stephanie said...

I LOVE the "Married with Children" tile! All your tiles are amazing! It's so exciting to see God work a miracle!

Anonymous said...

i love them all.seriously, you are so talented! i love the family engraved tile and the one you did for harper and the one with a family name and then the individual names. i may even want to wholesale with you and sell you at our retail store. at the very least i thought of 100 gift ideas within seconds of looking at your products!!

Jill said...

I love the family engraved tile!
So beautiful!!

Dana said...

I love all your tiles, but I love the birth announcement tile the most because of the scripture at the top. I was told my second child would not live and she has overcome so much! We prayed her here, and that is one of my favorite scriptures!

Robyn said...

Oh I love them all! Thanks for the giveaway!

Kendra said...

I love that I found your blog!

The Family Tiles are so beautiful. I love them all, but I think they're my favorite. :o)

Suz said...

I love the family engraved tile! I would LOVE to have this as my first bloggy giveaway win! :)

The Wisers said...

Oh my goodness, your tiles are amazing!!!!!!!!!! I think my favorite is the tile with Song of Solomon 3:4...this was the verse on my wedding invitations.

<>< Melanie W.

Bethany said...

these are beautiful! Harper's plaque and the family engraved tile are my top two favorites! thanks so much for the chance to win!

Leigh Ann said...

I love your art, Kaye. Just beautiful.

Melissa said...

i like several of the tiles. i really like harpers, kellys, and the family engraved tile.

Anonymous said...

I found your blog through Kelly Stamps and I have to say your creations are beautiful! I personally love the baby memorial. My cousins lost a baby over a year ago and this was the verse that they repeated during their daughters hospitalization and even after her passing. What a beautiful keepsake for a baby that will always live on in their familys hearts and home.
Just wanted to tell you I think they are incredible and thank you for sharing!

Terry said...

The "faith as small as a mustard seed" is truly beautiful. What a gift you have! Thanks for offering a chance to win such a wonderful gift!

Mrs. McDaniel's Class said...

I love Harper's tile and the family tile. Really I like it all!

Kristina said...

This is by FAR my fave! We have prayed so hard for a baby and when we are blesssed with one, I would love nothing more than something like this to cherish forever!!

Melissa said...

I love the Harper tile! I just had my first baby in Nov. and would love to hang one in his room!

David and Melody said...

I love Harper's! I also like Married with Children from your website. LOVE 3John 1:4!

MamaBird Jentes said...

I love the baby memorial piece since we lost our son on June 27. However, if I won your giveaway, I would like a piece like you made Harper Stamps with the Samuel verse since my sis-in-law just had baby Samuel last month after her hard battle with cancer just 3 years ago.

Ashley said...

I love the "Married with children" tile! It's such a great one! Thanks Kaye for all your good ideas!

Steph said...

I love the Married with Children tile!! Thanks for this opportunity.

Heather said...

Oh how I love them all!! I particularly love the Name tile :)

Unknown said...

I love your "Family Engraved Tile," the one that has the Smith family's names on it from the "Bring the Rain" blog. Thank you for doing this giveaway--someone is sure going to be blessed!

Rachel said...

I LOVED them all! But if I had to pick one I would say " married with children".

Kate's Mommy said...

I love the Harper tile!

Unknown said...

I love the "married w/ children". Thanks for your talent!!

Kicks & Giggles said...

All of your tiles are beautiful! I especially love the family engraved tile with Joshua 24:15.

Rebecca said...

You stuff is so beautiful! I have loved the family tile since I 1st saw it on Bring the Rain!

Stacee said...

I love Kelly's tile and how we also prayed for our sweet boy! I would love one for his nursery:)!

iluvall4 said...

So I am so excited I have your site saved in my "Favorites" so I can make sure when I start my new home in the future I can have a couple of tiles throughout my whole house. I really really fell in love with "Married with Children!!"

iluvall4 said...

So I am so excited I have your site saved in my "Favorites" so I can make sure when I start my new home in the future I can have a couple of tiles throughout my whole house. I really really fell in love with "Married with Children!!"

Sallie said...

Love the one called Kelly's tile...guess that's why her last name is on it. My son is getting married in May, and I would love to give it to him.

Conny said...

The family one is awesome - probably my fave. I also love the fruit of the spirit kitchen one - as my kitchen is sort of Fruit of the Spirit too. :)

Ruth Ann said...

I love your family engraved tile! All your tiles are wonderful though! Have a great week!
-Ruth Ann

CureSMA4Stella said...

I'm so glad to have found your blog through Harper's blog! While all your tiles are GORGEOUS, my favorite is the Jesus Loves Me tile because it's what I tell my daughter every day. My daughter Stella ( has Spinal Muscular Atrophy Type I and is almost two years old . . . we were told at one month of age that she would live merely weeks or months. While it has been a battle at times, we remind her that she is weak but He is strong and boy, has His strength shown through. While we have walked some of the deepest valleys that no parent should walk, He always brings us to the mountaintops in some way somehow. I'm bookmarking your site for future reference and am considering featuring your site on Stella's site if that is ok with you!!! What a beautiful job you do and I think others would be very interested to find your site! God bless you and your business!

alexandrea said...

my favorite is harpers's plaque,
my husband and I had our baby 7 weeks early, she waw very tiny at 3lbs 16 in long. we spent 6 weeks in the nicu, 3 weeks in our home toen and 3 weeks in a town 300 miles from home. we had many ups and downs when we were there
please viit our websight

our daughter is our miracle from god and we waited for her a long time. We truly feeled blessed by her being our daugter, the plaque is perfect.

Gene and Annie said...

I really like the family engraved tile but there are so many that would be just be awesome to have in our house! I love words on my walls!

Kelly said...

Your work is wonderful and it would be hard to choose a favorite, but if I had to choose one, I would say the Jesus Loves Me engraved tile. They are just perfect!

Anonymous said...

I would love one for our upcoming new baby girl! :)

alexandrea said...

my favorite is harpers's plaque,
my husband and I had our baby 7 weeks early, she waw very tiny at 3lbs 16 in long. we spent 6 weeks in the nicu, 3 weeks in our home toen and 3 weeks in a town 300 miles from home. we had many ups and downs when we were there
please viit our websight

our daughter is our miracle from god and we waited for her a long time. We truly feeled blessed by her being our daugter, the plaque is perfect.

Jennifer W said...

I love the scripture on the Baby Memorial. So beautiful. So true. I also love the family tile but my family is still growing so I'll have to wait on that for a few years!

Linda said...

Kaye, you are so gifted in how you are sharing God's love. I love everything you make, but I would want one just like Kelly's for my sweet grandbaby.

oliviasmommy07 said...

I love the 'angels unaware' tile. they are all beautiful!!
Thanks so much!

Cyndi said...

Fun!! I love the Be Still And Know I am tile. You have great things. Congrats on winning!

Danielle said...

There are TOO many great ones to chose from. I love a bunch. I love the Jesus loves me one and the be still and know that I am and I could go on and on...

DivaDesirae said...

I really love everything! But i love the tile you are giving away!

Emily said...

I LOVE your infant memorial tile. Our third baby girl, Miller Grace, went to be with Jesus after just five days in our arms in June, 2007. This would be so perfect for her... which is ironic because I also thought Harper's tile would be perfect for our newest baby girl, who is due in just nine weeks!! :)

What an awesome gift the Lord has given you!!! I look forward to spending more time on your web site!

Danielle said...

It is too hard to chose just one...there are so many I love. I love the Jesus loves me and the love is patient love is kind and be still and know that I am... I could go on and on

Krystle said...

I love your items so much! I really love the Family Tile. Harper's is adorable as well!

Melody said...

Hi there! I first learned of your awesome website a few weeks ago when Brandi Wilson showed off her tile, and I still want one! :)

My favorite is definitely the Married with Children!!

Matt and Cristin said...

I LOVE the 'Jesus Loves You'! It's AWESOME! :)

Sandys2girls said...

I love all of your tiles, I love the Family Engraved Tile and the one you made for harper is also absolutely adorable! I would love to win one of your beautiful works of art!
Sandy in Virginia

Sheila Mc said...

My fav is the personalized family tile! Thanks for the chance to win!

Ashley W said...

I love the tiles! My favorite is the Jesus Loves Me tile. I just might have to order one for my little girl! Thank you for the opportunity to win!

Angel S. said...

I just love this one: "Married With Children". WHat a gift you have. Thanks for offering to share it with us!

Flip-flop Mama said...

I like the married with children one!

Momofgirls said...

I love the family engraved tile! All of the things on your site are beautiful!!!

moya said...

My fave is Married With Children. It says so very much and speaks to me personally as it expresses exactly what is most important!

Mommy said...

I'd say my favorite is the tile just like Harper's. I struggled with infertility for almost 5 years, 2 invitros, 2 miscarriages and finally my little girls was born on Oct 23, 2005. She was also born at 32 weeks! We were scared to death, but God let us keep our miracle baby girl. I have that same verse on a cross in her room. I'd love this tile! Thanks for the chance to win :)

Bailey said...

I love all of these items, what wonderful pieces! My favorite (besides the one made for Harper) are the small coasters - I love the initial one!

Donahue Family said...

I also love the famly engraved tile!
Bless you,

Carlee said...

I love Harper's tile and would probably want one for each of my kids. But I LOVE the family tile too.

Jessikah said...

I have been eyeing your tiles for awhile now.. I LOVE your family engraved tiles and plan on getting one SOON!!!

Anita Grace said...

I love your work! It's hard to pick just one thing, but I like the Family Engraved, and I think the Cornerstone one is a clever idea too!

The Drama Mama said...

Love these tiles...awesome work! I especially love the Family tile!

Unknown said...

i love the tile you made for Harper. like Kelly, my husband and i have waited for our first child for over two years and he/she will be here in August.

Tippa Glover said...

I love the Family Engraved Tiles! So cute!

Tippa Glover said...

I LOVE the Family Engraved Tites! So cute!

The Stoner Family said...

Hi! I love the tile you did for is beautiful! I was looking at your tile store and I have to say that my favorite on is "united in Marriage" tile. Faith - Hope - Love

1 Corinthians 13

My husband and I had this at our wedding and it is something that we truly believe in. It is my all time favorite verse b/c without faith, hope, and love....what do you have! :)

Becky said...

It is always so much fun to find new blogs and new creations! I would love the family tile!

Anonymous said...

I love the baby memorial tile. Great work on all of it!

Kristie said...

I have checked out your website in the past and keep going back to the Family Engraved Tile! I love it. Thanks

Amye Jo said...

Loved all of it! My favorite was the family engraved tile.

Heather L. said...

I would love to win anything from your site - you are so talented! I guess my favorite would have to be the one you made for Angie (Smith Family). Everything is just beautiful, though.

Anonymous said...

i love the family engraved tile

Elasha said...

I love your work. It is so beautiful and unique!!!

Lynn and Jim said...

I love All of your work but especially the Family Engraved Tile that you made for the Smith family. So wonderful!

Anonymous said...

I love the tile "remember to be grateful". I think that too many people forget to be grateful for what God has chosen to give us. I recite this to myself in particularly rough days or days when I feel a little down in the dumps or when my son got sick. This always helps to keep the precious miracle of life in check. Even though it was meant for graduation gifts, it helps me daily. What a great reminder of God's gifts!

Jamie said...

You do awesome work. All the the tiles are wonderful. My favorite is the Married with Children or Family tile.

smcvicker said...

I love the baby tile because my daughter has a 2 month precious girl and I would love for her to have one to put in Caroline's room.

roadrunner201 said...

I love your entry about always remembering to be grateful. It is something that all of us need to be reminded of from time to time. I especially have to remember it during the 1:00am feeding time:-)

Vonda Axe said...

The baby keepsake tile is great, the one with Psalms 32:8.

Melissa said...


I have always loved your creations. My favorite is "I have found the one my heart loves." I just love it so much!! Thank you for the opportunity to win one of your beautiful plaques.


Lexie said...

I'm loving the plaque that you gave to Harper. This scripture has special meaning for me as well. When I was 20 weeks along my baby was diangnoised with a kidney disease. My prayer circle friends made me a prayer cloth that had this scripture on it. It means so much to me.

~ Lisa @ AbidingThere~ said...

The Family Engraved Tile would be my choice :)

mccoy5 said...

I love this tile, one just like Harper's!!! Thanks for the chance to win!!!!

jenmom said...

I love the birth announcement tile like the one Kelly has for Harper!! What a beautiful way to display that awesome event.
I have a c-section scheduled for Feb. 23rd. We are expecting a baby girl. This will be our third child. I have always cross-stitched the baby something with their stats on it but have been unable to do that this time. Thanks for the chance to win something so special.

Mandy said...

I love the tile, what a special gift

Mrs. Everything said...

I adore the family engraved tile. Once we name baby #2 that's in the oven, I must order one, even if I don't win!!

Thanks for being so generous!

Stacy said...

Thanks for the chance to win your give-a-way. I love the tile you made for Harper. My husband and I are expecting our second child in July. Our first child, Collin, is 2 years old and was born with a heart condition, CoArc. 15 Minutes before we were leaving with him to take him home from the hospital, our pediatrican came running down the hall to tell us something was wrong. Collin was in a NICU in 30 minutes where he stayed for almost 2 weeks. We are praying that this new bundle of joy will be spared the pain that Collin went through. We go for a 3 hours extensive ultrasound next week to make sure the new baby is ok. I trully have prayed for the health of my unborn child. Thank you for this opportunity. I know many people deserve this. Best of luck to everyone!

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the family engraved tile!

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